Zepeng "Frazier" Huo
frazierhuo [at] gmail [dot] com
My name is Zepeng Frazier Huo. I'm currently a Postdoc at Stanford University under Shah Lab, conducting research for Foundation Models for medicine. I earned my Ph.D degree from Texas A&M University under STMI Lab, majoring in Computer Science.
My research is towards Knolwdge-based Intelligence for Well-being Informatics (KIWI 🥝). I believe AI should be used for the holistic wellbeing and health of human, i.e. AI for good. The approach to that is to have the responsible AI to learn knowledge instead of blindly absorbing data. This requires many cutting-edge research directions of condensing the knowledge from large-scale data through Foundation Models to learn a strong knowledge base, so that we can achieve the goal more towards autonomous machine intelligence for human wellbeing.
I am currently on faculty job market, aiming at cycle 2024-2025.